Journal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat <p>Jurnal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (Nadimas) adalah jurnal khusus pengabdian kepada masyarakat (abmas) yang dikelola oleh Politeknik Negeri Indramayu. Jurnal NADIMAS terbit 2 kali dalam setahun, pada bulan April dan Oktober. Jurnal Nadimas telah terdaftar pada ISSN BRIN dengan nomor pISSN 2985-7325 dan eISSN 2985-6647. Jurnal ini mengikuti panduan berdasarkan Peraturan Kepala LIPI Nomor 5 Tahun 2014 tentang Kode Etika Publikasi Ilmiah yang bersumber dari COPE (Committee on Publication Ethics). </p> Pusat Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat en-US Journal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat 2985-6647 PENINGKATAN PENGETAHUAN IBU HAMIL TERHADAP ANEMIA DI PUSKESMAS KLARI <p>Anemia is a condition when the number of red blood cells or the concentration of oxygen carriers in the blood Hemoglobin (Hb) is insufficient for the physiological needs of the body.&nbsp; The anemia most often found in pregnancy is anemia due to iron deficiency due to lack of iron intake in the diet. Impaired absorption, increased need for iron or due to too much iron coming out of the body. The distance of pregnancy is very influential on the incidence of anemia during pregnancy. Repeated pregnancies in a short time will deplete the mother's iron reserves. The purpose of this community service is to find out the level of knowledge of pregnant women about anemia that usually occurs during pregnancy in the Klari Health Center area. The activity was held on July 12 – 13, 2022 at Pusesmas Klari with 20 participants. To target the increase in knowledge of pregnant women about anemia, pre-test with an average value of 56 and post-test with an average value of 92.5. The activities are in the form of lectures and questions and answers, media used power points and leafets containing pictures accompanied by captions that can be understood by pregnant women. Maternal characteristic factors greatly affect the knowledge of pregnant women about anemia, therefore it is necessary to have activities such as classes for pregnant women to provide one of them about the prevention and treatment of anemia in pregnant women</p> ari kurniasih Lina Rachmy Juwita Komala Copyright (c) 2024 Journal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat 2024-02-26 2024-02-26 2 2 145 152 10.31884/nadimas.v2i2.28 PENERAPAN TEKNOLOGI MESIN PENCETAK BAKSO BERBASIS PNEUMATIK PADA UMKM <p>Meatballs are one of the favorite foods of Indonesian people. The naming of meatballs depends on the place where they are made, the meat used, the way they are served, the way they are made, and their size and shape so the names vary greatly. Meatballs are generally round with an average diameter of 15-35 mm. So far, the process of making meatballs in the community still uses manual methods, by forming the meatball dough using hands and a spoon. Hold the dough in your hands and then knead it so that it comes out between the holes of your index finger and thumb. The dough that comes out is round, then scooped out using a spoon and put into a container filled with hot water. This manual meatball molding process requires skill, and patience and has the danger of being exposed to hot water so not everyone can do it. With this opportunity, a meatball-making machine with a pneumatic system was created. This machine uses a power source from a compressor of at least 10 bar which drives two pneumatic systems. The first pneumatic system moves the TBC 40-400 pneumatic cylinder piston which presses the dough down into the mold. The second pneumatic system drives two 25X300 pneumatic cylinder pistons. The combination of the two pneumatic systems is capable of producing 60 meatballs per minute with a diameter of 30 mm.</p> Dedi Suwandi Agus Sifa Evi Supriatun Copyright (c) 2024 Journal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat 2024-02-26 2024-02-26 2 2 137 144 10.31884/nadimas.v2i2.49 PENERAPAN TEACHING AID MOTOR 3 PHASE DALAM BIDANG KELISTRIKAN PADA PROGRAM KEAHLIAN TEKNIK PEMESINAN SMK PGRI JATIBARANG INDRAMAYU <p>Perkembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi saat ini sudah semakin pesat dan di dalam setiap industri dituntut kerja cepat dan tepat dalam memenuhi kebutuhan. Pemanfataan teknologi saat ini tidak akan lepas dari bidang kelistrikan karena semua komponen teknologi pasti menggunakan energi listrik sebagai sumber utama. Pemahaman akan konsep kelistrikan ini harus dapat dipahami sedini mungkin, terutama bagi siswa SMK yang lebih banyak menerapkan konsep praktek didalam kurikulumnya. Pendidikan kejuruan merupakan Pendidikan yang diarahkan untuk mempelajari bidang khusus, agar para lulusan memiliki keahlian tertentu. Kesulitan memahami konsep yang abstrak, komplek, dan dinamik merupakan permasalahan dalam pembelajaran sistem kelistrikan. Tujuan dari kegiatan ini yakni untuk melakukan penerapan <em>teaching aid </em>motor 3 phase dalam bidang kelistrikan pada program keahlian Teknik Pemesinan SMK PGRI Jatibrang Indramayu. Metode pelaksanaan kegiatan ini dimulai dari identifikasi permasalahan, studi literatur dan observasi, pembuatan desain <em>teaching aid</em>, pembuatan dan perakitan produk, uji coba teknis, analisa gambar rangkaian, evaluasi kegiatan dan sosialisai/pelatihan. Hasil yang didapat menunjukkan 16 modul kelistrikan yang telah dibuat dan mampu untuk membuat rangkaian dari motor listrik 1 phase maupun 3 phase. Kesimpulan yang dihasilkan yakni <em>teaching aid</em> ini dapat dimanfaatkan oleh siswa-siswi dan guru dalam memahami konsep kelistrikan motor dan membantu proses pembelajaran menjadi lebih menarik.</p> Badruzzaman B Felix Dionisius Rachmatullah R Azis Susanto Copyright (c) 2024 Journal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat 2024-02-07 2024-02-07 2 2 124 136 10.31884/nadimas.v2i2.41 UPAYA PENCEGAHAN PENULARAN COVID-19 MELALUI EDUKASI & VAKSINASI DI SENTRA VAKSIN STIKES HORIZON KARAWANG <p><em>The respiratory system is attacked by COVID-19, which might be fatal. COVID-19 was been categorized as a global pandemic by WHO on March 9, 2020. The government has established rules to restrict community activities, implement health standards, and provide vaccines since COVID-19 transmission is very simple, causing the increase in positive COVID-19 cases to skyrocket. According to the findings of in-depth interviews with community leaders in Karawang Regency, the majority of the population still lives a traditional lifestyle, and many people refuse to receive the COVID-19 vaccine because they lack information, making it difficult for them to distinguish between information based on true or false facts. As a result, the public perceives the programs offered to combat the pandemic as being less significant. Therefore, the goal of this effort is to reinforce knowledge of COVID-19 and transmission prevention through education and immunization. The activity's results demonstrated that, in line with the public's growing interest in immunization and adherence to health protocols as evidence of a growing general understanding of COVID-19 transmission and prevention, the implementation of education and vaccination to prevent COVID-19 transmission increased. In the Karawang Regency, this has a cascading effect on establishing COVID-19 </em><em>herd </em><em>immunity</em><em>.</em></p> Rima Novianti Uun Nurjanah Copyright (c) 2024 Journal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat 2024-01-31 2024-01-31 2 2 115 123 10.31884/nadimas.v2i2.47 PENERAPAN MESIN HOT PRESS SEKAM PADI UNTUK PEMBUATAN PARTICLE BOARD PALLET DI DESA TENAJAR KEC.KERTASEMAYA- INDRAMAYU <p>Indramayu district. After harvest, many farmers burn straw and rice husks, this produces air pollution and has a detrimental impact on the environment. Rice husks can be used as particle boards and have been developed so that they can be used as an alternative material for insulators, especially for cold storage. The process of making particle board is done by molding rice husk powder through a heating and pressing process. The pressing process on a hot press machine uses a pneumatic system and the heating process uses a heater. The process of making particle board using a hot press machine is carried out using an automatic heating and pressing system. The perfect temperature and time is 175°C and 15 minutes.</p> Agus B Badruzzaman M Mahfud Melia Selin Rachmatullah R Copyright (c) 2024 Journal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat 2024-01-31 2024-01-31 2 2 107 114 10.31884/nadimas.v2i2.55 EDUKASI PENERAPAN PHBS MENGGOSOK GIGI DAN CUCI TANGAN DENGAN BENAR PADA SISWA KELAS V MI MA’ARIF NU BANTERAN <p>Community nursing is aimed at maintaining health, providing assistance through nursing interventions in helping individuals, families, groups and communities to overcome the health problems they face. Based on 2018 Riskesdas data, as many as 67.3% of children aged 5-9 years and 55.6% of children aged 10-14 years experienced dental and mouth problems. Based on the results of a study conducted on class V students at MI Ma'arif NU Banteran, it was found that 67.6% of students had problems with sore, cavities or blackened teeth. During the study, it was found that 4 out of 68 students only brushed their teeth once a day. The aim of this community service is to provide community nursing care in the school community in Banteran Village, Sumbang District in an effort to improve the health status of school residents. The activities were carried out with education and demonstrations related to PHBS which were held at MI Ma'arif NU Banteran on Monday, October 16 2023. The target of the activities was grade 5 students consisting of 68 students. This target was chosen based on the results of the survey and screening that had been carried out. Before carrying out the activity, students are given a pretest sheet to determine student understanding. The activity continued by providing information and skills through lecture and demonstration methods including material on how to brush your teeth properly and correctly and how to wash your hands in 6 steps. The media used are power points and dental phantoms. After the activity, an evaluation is carried out by providing a posttest sheet. Based on the results of data analysis, it shows that there was an increase in the average pretest score of 83.1, increasing to 89.9 during the posttest activity. Educational activities and 6-step PHBS demonstrations of toothbrushing and hand washing significantly influence students' knowledge and skills regarding PHBS behavior.</p> Yurice Kusuma Putri Helda Budi Rahmawati Ayu Rahma Kusuma Parasasri Rina Audina Lita Heni Kusumawardani Copyright (c) 2024 Journal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 2 2 100 106 10.31884/nadimas.v2i2.60 OPTIMASI PEMILAHAN SAMPAH MELALUI PENGEMBANGAN BAK PEMILAH SAMPAH DALAM UPAYA PENCEGAHAN STUNTING <p>Background: Waste management by burning can lead to respiratory tract infections, which if it occurs repeatedly in toddlers can increase the risk of stunting. Objective: In dealing with this problem, the creation of waste sorting tanks can be carried out to develop the community's ability to manage household waste so that the habit of burning waste is reduced as an effort to prevent respiratory tract infections and stunting in toddlers, especially in Margamukti Village. Method: Implementation of the activities of making waste sorting tanks is carried out in three stages, namely holding preparation, manufacturing stage, and evaluation stage. Result: The results of the activity of making waste sorting tanks show changes in habits and the ability of the community in waste management. Conclusion: With enthusiasm and support from various parties, student efforts to solve waste management problems in Margamukti Village by making waste sorting tanks as the provision of temporary waste disposal facilities has been successfully carried out.</p> Adnan Dhanny Diharja Hilda Khalisa Renalda Dhava Sanggara Delli Yuliana Rahmat Copyright (c) 2024 Journal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 2 2 93 99 PENYULUHAN CTPS SEBAGAI UPAYA PENCEGAHAN STUNTING PADA SISWA-SISWI RA HUSNUL KHOTIMAH <p>One of the causes of stunting is the lack of practicing clean and healthy living and washing hands with soap, which has an impact on disease transmission. This affects the child’s appetite and causing a loss of essential nutrients for growth. The activity’s goal is to develop the childrens at RA Husnul Khotimah understanding of living hygienically and healthily by washing their hands. The activity’s method is counseling, demonstrations using video and the implementation of pre and posttest. The target taken were 46 RA Husnul Khotimah students using cluster random sampling technique. The outcomes of the counseling activities demostrated that the knowledge level was 41.3% (Enough) prior to counseling and increased by 10.9% with a posttest result of 52.2% (Good). The conclusion shows that there is an improvement in knowledge in early childhood in RA Husnul Khotimah.</p> Rinda Lailia Permatasari LEDISTIA MULYANI Dina Noviani Delli Yuliana Rahmat Copyright (c) 2024 Journal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 2 2 86 92 10.31884/nadimas.v2i2.42 PERAN MAHASISWA KAMPUS MENGAJAR DALAM MENINGKATKAN KEMAMPUAN LITERASI DAN NUMERASI PESERTA DIDIK SEKOLAH DASAR INPRES LISABHETO <p>The teaching campus program is a form of implementation of the MBKM (Merdeka Belajar – Kampus Merdeka) program from the Ministry of Cultural Education, Research and Technology. This program is intended for students in universities to contribute to advancing basic education. This teaching campus activity includes literacy and numeracy activities although in the teaching campus program there are two other focuses of activities, namely technology adaptation and school administration. Based on this, the purpose of the research conducted was to improve the numeracy literacy skills of grade III students at Inpres Lisabheto Elementary School. The type of research carried out is qualitative with a descriptive method. Data are collected through observation techniques and documentation during the activity. The results showed that the teaching campus program brings benefi</p> Marsalina Mitak Fitriyah Yuli Ice Copyright (c) 2024 Journal Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat 2023-12-31 2023-12-31 2 2 81 85 10.31884/nadimas.v2i2.19